Missed Call Marketing can be described as a method where you dial the number with the intent to provide an “missed call”. Sometimes, your call will be disconnected instantly, or with no acknowledgement messages. The person who received the call, i.e., the company that is attempting to offer or market any services will contact you or send a text message in return with pertinent details.
What does it mean for an average person:
Missed marketing calls is a simple, cost-free and efficient way for anyone who is not a professional to contact an organization or product for more details. There is a popular belief that, in certain instances, when people have less credits or balance on their phone will often give “missed call” to their contacts. Similar is the case with missed calls marketing.
A simple interface, Missed call marketing can let you quickly check the balance of your bank account even if you don’t have a connection to the internet to access your bank’s website. If you require assistance from any service or product company without cost You can open your phone app and ask them to return to assist you.
Many have also utilized the miss call function to cast a vote for their favorite TV show’s character or to express their support for any cause.
What does it mean for the Marketing Professional:
On a fundamental level miss call marketing by professionals can be prove to be a successful inbound marketing method. It encourages potential customers to call you for free of cost whenever they wish to. Because the client or user have chosen (or requested “call me back”) you can contact them in this manner, there’s no “intrusion” part like in other techniques for marketing. Missed calls are a clear intention of a buyer through promoting easily remembered “missed call” phone numbers on hoardings, for instance and advertisements can encourage potential buyers to connect with them.
Benefits of Missed Call Marketing:
Missed Call Marketing can have many advantages when there’s no internet access or when consumers are finding call rates to be expensive. This is a win-win for both marketers and customers. The applications can include inbound marketing , or pull marketing. Lead generation and app downloads. simple customer support, telephone banking, updates on sports and a voting system for surveys and customer verification systems, and feedback from customers.
This list of possible uses of missed call marketing could be extensive. The benefits begin with the fact that it does not cost anything to the customer and this whole process is simple. It’s a non-spam and less expensive method to increase the number of customers and connect with them particularly in emerging markets like India. Because the price is lower and the method is not intrusive, Missed Call Marketing can help in the overall improvement in lead quality, while also improving the value per lead.
The provider of missed calls, Marketing Service Providers , like SnapCall from Konnect typically provide data such as purchasing habits calls frequency, purchase habits, as well as other information that can be are extremely valuable to advertisers.
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